Mona Lisa - painting by numbers
Mona Lisa - painting by numbers
Mona Lisa - painting by numbers

Mona Lisa - painting by numbers

  • Article number: 609130511
  • Age recommendation: from 14 years


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Product information

Museum Selection- “Painting starts where words end…”
With a high degree of competence and thoroughness, SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts converted all motifs of the “Renowned Painters” series into the Painting by Numbers technique. It is a highlight for every hobby painter to repaint and recreate these precious originals.

The motif: “Mona Lisa”
“Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) is the most famous painting in the world. Her mysterious smile has confused many people and occupied historians ever since. And yet, it is only Lisa Gheradini’s smile, a woman who either was pregnant or had just given birth to a child. The spectacular robbery of the “Mona Lisa” from the Louvre in Paris in 1911 contributed to the fact that it became famous all over the world.

Picture format and painting template:
“MASTERPIECE Premium”. These pictures in upright or landscape format of 40 x 50 cm can be positioned side by side or one below the other and are particularly suited for a fine picture gallery. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts has matching aluminum frames on offer for this format. Please go to our menu bar “Frame Service”.

Contents of the box:
Rigid painting cardboard with canvas structure finish, size 40 x 50 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results.



Collezione museo: “La pittura inizia dove finiscono le parole....”
Tutti i soggetti della serie “Pittori famosi” di SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts sono stati trasposti con grande abilità e cura tramite la tecnica di pittura per numeri. Per ogni pittore dilettante è una splendida esperienza poter dipingere questi preziosi originali ricreandone il processo di esecuzione.

Il soggetto: “Mona Lisa”
La “Monna Lisa”, dipinta da Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), è il ritratto più famoso del mondo. Il sorriso misterioso della Gioconda ha sempre intrigato osservatori e storici. Eppure è solo il sorriso di Lisa Gheradini una nobildonna che era presumibilmente incinta o aveva avuto da poco un bambino. Lo spettacolare furto della Monna Lisa dal Museo del Louvre nel 1911 rese il dipinto celebre in tutto il mondo.

Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura:
“MEISTERKLASSE Premium”. Raggruppati uno accanto/sotto all'altro, i dipinti in formato orizzontale o verticale di 40 x 50 cm sono particolarmente adatti per creare una piccola pinacoteca personale. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l'aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto “Servizio cornici”.

La confezione contiene:
Pannello in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino 40 x 50 cm. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato.


Museumcollectie  “ Schilderkunst begint, waar woorden tekortschieten....”
Alle motieven van de serie “Beroemde schilders” zijn door SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts met grote vakkundigheid en zorg omgezet  in de schilderen-op-nummer-techniek. Voor iedere hobbyschilder een hoogtepunt, om deze kostbare originelen na te schilderen en het ontstaan ervan na te voelen.

Het motief: “Mona Lisa”
De “Mona Lisa” van Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) is het beroemdste schilderij ter wereld. Haar geheimzinnige glimlach heeft veel mensen geïrriteerd en de historici bezig gehouden. Daarbij is het slechts de glimlach van Lisa Gherardini, een vrouw, die of zwanger is of kort tevoren het leven heeft geschonken aan een kind. De spectaculaire roof van de Mona Lisa uit het Louvre in Parijs in het jaar 1911 maakte het schilderij wereldberoemd.

Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld:
“MEESTERKLASSE Premium”. Schilderijen in staand formaat of landschapsformaat van 40 x 50 cm, naast of onder elkaar gegroepeerd, zijn bijzonder geschikt voor een schilderijenverzameling. Het schildervoorbeeld heeft een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeelding onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk “schilderijlijst-service”.

Inhoud van de verpakking:
Stevig schilderkarton met linnenstructuur 40 x 50 cm. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

Warning! Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard!



Verified purchase

Mona Lisa malen

Wie immer ein schönes Bild, und sehr gut zu malen, da merkt man die gewohnt gute Qualität von Schipper. Show translation




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Sandra Oerschkes

Hab nach langem wieder angefangen mit Malen nach Zahlen. Es macht mit riesen spass. Und die Mona Lisa lässt sich gut male . Show translation




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Meisterwerk selbst gemalt

Jetzt ist es möglich, sich die Mona Lisa nach Hause zu holen. Ich freue mich schon sehr darauf, mit dem Malen zu beginnen. Show translation




Verified purchase

I hope Mona Lisa will make people smile!

This portrait doesn't look as if it's going to be too challenging to paint, compared with some of the Schipper painting by numbers I have done previously. I'm looking forward to starting it soon and I can't wait to see the reactions of visitors when they see it! I hope Mona Lisa will make them smile! Show translation




Verified purchase


There is really no better brand for Paint by Numbers than Schnipper. The paints are amazing and the pictures are good enough to hang on the wall after. A very enjoyable experience :) Show translation




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das Edle Bild

meine Tochter ist begeistert,das Gewisse non plus ultra. Show translation




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Quite realistic

Fun to do. Very realistic. Here are some more words because you keep saying my review is too short. Show translation




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Super interessantes Motiv

Das ist ein Motiv welches ich schon immer bei "Malen nach Zahlen" für meine eigene Galerie anfertigen wollte. Aus zeitlichen Gründen kann das nun erst jetzt erfolgen. In unserer Familie haben schon mehrere Bilder ihren dekorativen Platz gefunden. Show translation




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Einfach klasse 👍🏻

Super Qualität, Super Service immer wieder gern 👍🏻 Show translation




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Vielen dank

Artikel wie beschrieben gerne wieder. Lässt sich super malen Show translation




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Mona Lisa

Es ist ein Traum es zu malen. Macht Spaß und sieht toll aus. Show translation




Verified purchase

Tolle Farben und nah am Orginal!

Wir sind begeistert vom Bild und der unverzüglichen Lieferung. Show translation


Consuelo Biot


Mona Lisa

Disfrute muchísimo, mientras lo pintaba. Schipper nunca defrauda. Excelente calidad de todos sus productos. Excepto el pincel que va incluido en el kit, pues no sirve mucho. Show translation



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