Painting by Numbers Adults

Number by number to the perfect work of art - painting by numbers inspires young and old alike. If you want to learn more about this great hobby, you best read on right here.


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Schipper World Bundle

Bundle - 39 %


Schipper World Bundle



Product bundle consisting of: Colorful World - Our world in a play of colors - painting by numbers / Mykonos - painting by numbers / Final lacquer – transparent & glossy Article number: 609450856 Product: Colorful World - Our world in a play of colors - painting by numbers “Colorful World – Our world in a play of colors” The world map as a colorful, abstract piece of art. In the background, there is an antique world map on a stained piece of parchment. The satellite photograph of the earth surface was detached from  its geographic conditions. The colors and design of the state and country frontiers were changed. The result is an exciting mixture depicting a wonderfully colorful world, presenting itself in a cheeky and positive way, sparkling with life against its traditional background. An appealing wall decoration that is not bound to any real frontiers. This is exactly why it is a fresh start into a “Colorful World”. Picture format and painting template: The new series “Master Class POLYPTCH – Professional Edition” by SCHIPPER Originally, a polyptych was a so-called winged altar-piece, the overall motif of which is divided into separate sections. The “Professional Edition’s” motif is an artwork of 5 parts and covers a wall space of approx. 132 x 72 cm. This artwork requires the hobby painter’s precision and patience when painting. Simultaneously, the demands to the painter’s skills are high, even if he is well-versed. However, the result is going to make up for all the efforts taken. The appreciation and admiration of the artwork’s stunned viewers will reward the hobby painter. The package includes an assembly instruction for 5 picture carriers. Contents of the box: 5 rigid painting cardboards: 2 templates 263 x 476 mm, 2 templates 263 x 598 mm, 1 template 263 x 720 mm with canvas structure finish. Precise contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic colors. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful painting. Assembly instruction for 5 frameless picture carriers is enclosed in the package. Article number: 609450797 Product: Mykonos - painting by numbers  Mykonos The houses shining in white, embellished by the azure blue of their doors and window shutters huddle against the steep slopes of this Greek island. Our longing view wanders from a typical Greek wind-mill over the magnificent blue sea where a sailing ship glides along. A cozy tavern, framed by lush plants in full bloom, invites you to sit down on a wooden chair at one of the small tables to enjoy a glass of wine and some delicious “Mezedes”. The polyptych “Mykonos” doesn’t only make the hearts of all fans of Greece beat a little faster but every viewer will find himself surrounded by a relaxed holiday atmosphere. Picture format and painting template: The new series “Master Class POLYPTCH – Professional Edition” by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts Originally, a polyptych was a so-called winged altar-piece, the overall motif of which is divided into separate sections. The “Professional Edition’s” motif is an artwork of 5 parts and covers a wall space of approx. 132 x 72 cm. This artwork requires the hobby painter’s precision and patience when painting. Simultaneously, the demands to the painter’s skills are high, even if he is well-versed. However, the result is going to make up for all the efforts taken. The appreciation and admiration of the artwork’s stunned viewers will reward the hobby painter. The package includes an assembly instruction for 5 picture carriers. Contents of the box: 5 rigid painting cardboards: 2 templates 263 x 476 mm, 2 templates 263 x 598 mm, 1 template 263 x 720 mm with canvas structure finish. Precise contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic colors. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful painting. Assembly instruction for 5 frameless picture carriers is enclosed in the package. Article number: 605180721 Product: Final lacquer – transparent & glossy Final lacquer – transparent & glossy In the end there is the big moment when the painting is finished and the painter is proud to say: „I’ve painted that myself!“ The finished painting now is an asset to his home, the hobby painter is proud on his own performance and can be sure of the appreciation of his doing by family and friends. Such an artwork should be preserved for a long time! The “final lacquer – transparent & glossy” by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts is a water-dilutable lacquer based on acrylic resins. It seals the surface of the painting, enhances the luminosity of the colors and improves the overall visual effect. 100 ml flask, detailed instructions and broad brush for an even application of the lacquer. Contents of the box: 100 ml final lacquer, transparent and glossy, bristle brush, width: 15 mm, for an even application of the lacquer. Detailed working instructions with product information.   Warning! Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Schipper World Bundle
“Lady with a parasol” based on Claude Monet (1840-1926) - painting by numbers

Famous paintings

“Lady with a parasol” based on Claude Monet (1840-1926) - painting by numbers



The motif: “Lady with a parasol” based on Claude Monet (1840-1926) Claude Monet painted this world famous tableau in 1886. This artwork reveals him as a master of colors and light and an admirer of female grace. He depicted his charming step-daughter Suzanne Hoschedé in a white two-piece dress with a parasol. She is out and about on a walk on a wonderful summer’s day, flirtatiously protecting her skin from the radiating sun with her parasol. He was so fond of this picture that he was not willing to give it away during his lifetime. One year after his death, it was bought by the Louvre. Ever since, it has been in the Musée d'Orsay’s portfolio in Paris. Picture format and painting template: “MASTERPIECE Premium”. These pictures in upright or landscape format of 40 x 50 cm can be positioned side by side or one below the other and are particularly suited for a fine picture gallery. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts has matching aluminum frames on offer for this format. Please go to our menu bar “Frame Service”. Contents of the box: Rigid painting cardboard with canvas structure finish, size 40 x 50 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. .............................. I Il soggetto: “Signora con parasole” secondo Claude Monet (1840-1926) Claude Monet ha dipinto questo famosissimo quadro nel 1886. Nell'opera dimostra essere un maestro eccelso del colore e della luce, nonché un grande ammiratore della grazia femminile. Monet ha raffigurato la sua incantevole figliastra Suzanne Hoschedé in un leggero completo bianco mentre sta facendo una passeggiata in una splendida giornata d'estate e, con il parasole, si ripara civettuola dai raggi intensi del sole. Monet amava a tal punto questo dipinto da non volersene separare finchè visse. Infatti il Louvre lo ha potuto acquistare soltanto un anno dopo la sua morte e, dal 1986, arricchisce la collezione del Musée d'Orsay a Parigi. Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: “MEISTERKLASSE Premium”. Raggruppati uno accanto/sotto all'altro, i dipinti in formato orizzontale o verticale di 40 x 50 cm sono particolarmente adatti per creare una piccola pinacoteca personale. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l'aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto “Servizio cornici”. La confezione contiene: Pannello in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino 40 x 50 cm. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. .............................. NL Het motief: “Vrouw met parasol” naar Claude Monet (1840-1926) Dit wereldberoemde schilderij maakte Claude Monet in 1886. Hij toont zich in dit werk als grote meester van kleur en licht en als bewonderaar van vrouwelijke gratie. Zijn charmante stiefdochter Suzanne Hoschedé heeft hij in een witte jurk met bijpassend jasje en met paraplu afgebeeld. Zij maakt op een heerlijke zomerdag een wandeling en beschermt zich met de parasol koket tegen de zonnestralen. Hij was zo dol op dit schilderij dat hij er zijn hele leven lang geen afstand heeft willen doen. Pas een jaar na zijn dood heeft het Louvre het aangekocht, en sinds 1986 maakt het deel uit van de collectie van het Musée d'Orsay in Parijs. Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: “MEESTERKLASSE Premium”. Schilderijen in staand formaat of landschapsformaat van 40 x 50 cm, naast of onder elkaar gegroepeerd, zijn bijzonder geschikt voor een schilderijenverzameling. Het schildervoorbeeld heeft een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeelding onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk “schilderijlijst-service”. Inhoud van de verpakking: Stevig schilderkarton met linnenstructuur 40 x 50 cm. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

“Lady with a parasol” based on Claude Monet (1840-1926) - painting by numbers
3 Dotting Pen double sided

Brushes, paints & Co.

3 Dotting Pen double sided



“3 Dotting Pens for Schipper Painting by Numbers” are the practical alternative to a paintbrush.  The fan community is growing steadily and more and more amateur painters are using Dotting Pens for Painting by Numbers. Dotting Pens offer numerous advantages: they are perfect for small areas of colour, allow precise and rapid painting, and an even colour distribution. They are easy to clean, robust and durable. The set, consisting of three Dotting Pens with wooden shafts, offers five different ballpoint sizes: 0.9 / 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 3 mm.

3 Dotting Pen double sided
PBN - Special paint brushes

Brushes, paints & Co.

PBN - Special paint brushes



4 paint brushes, especially develloped for the painting-by-numbers methode, for very small, small, large and background areas

PBN - Special paint brushes
Final lacquer – transparent & glossy

Brushes, paints & Co.

Final lacquer – transparent & glossy


€10.991 l = €109.90

Final lacquer – transparent & glossy In the end there is the big moment when the painting is finished and the painter is proud to say: „I’ve painted that myself!“ The finished painting now is an asset to his home, the hobby painter is proud on his own performance and can be sure of the appreciation of his doing by family and friends. Such an artwork should be preserved for a long time! The “final lacquer – transparent & glossy” by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts is a water-dilutable lacquer based on acrylic resins. It seals the surface of the painting, enhances the luminosity of the colors and improves the overall visual effect. 100 ml flask, detailed instructions and broad brush for an even application of the lacquer. Contents of the box: 100 ml final lacquer, transparent and glossy, bristle brush, width: 15 mm, for an even application of the lacquer. Detailed working instructions with product information.  

Final lacquer – transparent & glossy
Aluminium frame 40 x 50 cm

Picture Frames

Aluminium frame 40 x 50 cm



The aluminum frame to fit your masterpiece! Every painting is only brought to bear if it is beautifully framed. Choosing the fitting frame is a difficult task in view of the immense choice. This is why SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts chose an aluminum frame that does not only fit all Painting-by-Numbers motifs but also goes hand in hand with every furniture style. The anodized frame with the golden shimmer and narrow outline makes the painting look expressive and frames it discreetly at the same time. The kit consists of individual frame moldings to be easily assembled plus the necessary fitting material and an assembly instruction. The picture frames are available in the following dimensions: 40/50cm, 50/60cm, 40/80cm, triptych 50/80, triptych 40/120, diptych 50/80 and Quattro 18/24. Contents: 4 golden-colored picture moldings for 1 picture frame, 40x50cm, with fixing material (corner connectors, springs, hook and screws), assembly instructions.  

Aluminium frame 40 x 50 cm
Aluminium frame 40 x 50 cm – mat silver

Picture Frames

Aluminium frame 40 x 50 cm – mat silver



The fitting aluminium frame for your masterpiece! Every painting will produce its full effect only when beautifully framed. The big choice makes it very difficult to find a suitable frame. SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts offers an aluminium frame which does not only go well with all Painting-by-Numbers motifs, but also suits every style of furniture. The anodized frame, shining like gold, with its slim profile gives the painting expressive power and frames it discreetly. The frames are supplied in the form of individual frame ledges, easy to assemble yourself. Each box includes the necessary fixing material and assembly instructions. The frames are available for sizes 24/30 cm, 40/50 cm, 50/60 cm, 40/80 cm, Triptych 50/80 cm, Triptych 120/40 cm, Diptych 50/80 cm, and Quattro 18/24 cm. Contents of the box: 4 frame ledges for 1 picture frame 40 x 50 cm with fixing material (corner joints, springs, hook and screws), assembly instructions.

Aluminium frame 40 x 50 cm – mat silver
Aluminium frame triptych 50 x 80 cm

Picture Frames

Aluminium frame triptych 50 x 80 cm



The aluminum frame to fit your masterpiece! Every painting is only brought to bear if it is beautifully framed. Choosing the fitting frame is a difficult task in view of the immense choice. This is why SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts chose an aluminum frame that does not only fit all Painting-by-Numbers motifs but also goes hand in hand with every furniture style. The anodized frame with the golden shimmer and narrow outline makes the painting look expressive and frames it discreetly at the same time. The kit consists of individual frame moldings to be easily assembled plus the necessary fitting material and an assembly instruction. The picture frames are available in the following dimensions: 40/50cm, 50/60cm, 40/80cm, triptych 50/80, triptych 40/120, diptych 50/80 and Quattro 18/24. Contents: 12 golden-colored picture moldings for 3 picture frames, triptych, size 50x80cm, with fixing material (corner connectors, springs, hook and screws), assembly instructions.  

Aluminium frame triptych 50 x 80 cm

Brushes, paints & Co.




The “Paintmaster” made from lime wood is a useful equipment for the Painting by Numbers hobby. The sliding wood ledge sized  540 x 90 x 18 mm can be placed over the painting template in any direction. The paint pots are firmly held in place in their support ready at hand, the hand holding the brush does not rest on the painting template itself but on the comfortable and smooth lime wood: in this way any wet color will not be smudged and smeared any more. For a short break, the brush goes into one of the tray’s three grooves. Right-handers and left-handers can use the “Paintmaster” to paint in perfection and their painting results will always be outstanding when using any of the painting formats on offer in our SCHIPPER range.

Aluminium frame Triptych 50 x 80 cm – mat silver

Picture Frames

Aluminium frame Triptych 50 x 80 cm – mat silver



The fitting aluminium frame for your masterpiece! Every painting will produce its full effect only when beautifully framed. The big choice makes it very difficult to find a suitable frame. SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts offers an aluminium frame which does not only go well with all Painting-by-Numbers motifs, but also suits every style of furniture. The anodized frame, with its slim profile gives the painting expressive power and frames it discreetly. The frames are supplied in the form of individual frame ledges, easy to assemble yourself. Each box includes the necessary fixing material and assembly instructions. The frames are available for sizes 24/30 cm, 40/50 cm, 50/60 cm, 40/80 cm, Triptych 50/80 cm, Triptych 120/40 cm, Diptych 50/80 cm, and Quattro 18/24 cm. Contents: 12 frame ledges for 3 pictures Tritpychon 50 x 80 cm with fixing material (corner joints, springs, hook and screws), assembly instructions.

Aluminium frame Triptych 50 x 80 cm – mat silver
Alurahmen Polyptychon Silber

Picture Frames

Alurahmen Polyptychon Silber



Alurahmen Polyptychon Silber
2 Aluminium frames 24 x 30 cm – mat silver

Picture Frames

2 Aluminium frames 24 x 30 cm – mat silver



The fitting aluminium frame for your masterpiece! Every painting will produce its full effect only when beautifully framed. The big choice makes it very difficult to find a suitable frame. SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts offers an aluminium frame which does not only go well with all Painting-by-Numbers motifs, but also suits every style of furniture. The anodized frame, with its slim profile gives the painting expressive power and frames it discreetly. The frames are supplied in the form of individual frame ledges, easy to assemble yourself. Each box includes the necessary fixing material and assembly instructions. The frames are available for sizes 24/30 cm, 40/50 cm, 50/60 cm, 40/80 cm, Triptych 50/80 cm, Triptych 120/40 cm, Diptych 50/80 cm, and Quattro 18/24 cm. Contents of the box: 8 frame ledges for 2 pictures 24 x 30 cm with fixing material (corner joints, springs, hook and screws), assembly instructions.

2 Aluminium frames 24 x 30 cm – mat silver
Aluminium frame Quattro 18 x 24 cm

Picture Frames

Aluminium frame Quattro 18 x 24 cm



The aluminum frame to fit your masterpiece! Every painting is only brought to bear if it is beautifully framed. Choosing the fitting frame is a difficult task in view of the immense choice. This is why SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts chose an aluminum frame that does not only fit all Painting-by-Numbers motifs but also goes hand in hand with every furniture style. The anodized frame with the golden shimmer and narrow outline makes the painting look expressive and frames it discreetly at the same time. The kit consists of individual frame moldings to be easily assembled plus the necessary fitting material and an assembly instruction. The picture frames are available in the following dimensions: 40/50cm, 50/50cm, 40/80cm, triptych 50/80, triptych 40/120, diptych 50/80 and Quattro 18/24. Contents: 16 golden-colored picture moldings for 4 Quattro picture frames, size 18x24cm, with fixing material (corner connectors, springs, hook and screws), assembly instructions.  

Aluminium frame Quattro 18 x 24 cm
Aluminium frame triptych 40 x 120 cm

Picture Frames

Aluminium frame triptych 40 x 120 cm



Aluminum frame triptych 40 x 120 cm The aluminum frame to fit your masterpiece! Every painting is only brought to bear if it is beautifully framed. Choosing the fitting frame is a difficult task in view of the immense choice. This is why SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts chose an aluminum frame that does not only fit all Painting-by-Numbers motifs but also goes hand in hand with every furniture style. The anodized frame with the golden shimmer and narrow outline makes the painting look expressive and frames it discreetly at the same time. The kit consists of individual frame moldings to be easily assembled plus the necessary fitting material and an assembly instruction. The picture frames are available in the following dimensions: 40/50 cm, 50/60 cm, 40/80 cm, triptych 50/80, triptych 40/120, diptych 50/80 and Quattro 18/24. Contents: 12 golden-colored picture moldings for 3 picture frames, triptych, size 40 x 40 cm, with fixing material (corner connectors, springs, hook and screws), assembly instructions.  

Aluminium frame triptych 40 x 120 cm
Aluminium frame Triptych 120 x 40 cm – mat silver

Picture Frames

Aluminium frame Triptych 120 x 40 cm – mat silver



The fitting aluminium frame for your masterpiece! Every painting will produce its full effect only when beautifully framed. The big choice makes it very difficult to find a suitable frame. SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts offers an aluminium frame which does not only go well with all Painting-by-Numbers motifs, but also suits every style of furniture. The anodized frame, with its slim profile gives the painting expressive power and frames it discreetly. The frames are supplied in the form of individual frame ledges, easy to assemble yourself. Each box includes the necessary fixing material and assembly instructions. The frames are available for sizes 24/30 cm, 40/50 cm, 50/60 cm, 40/80 cm, Triptych 50/80 cm, Triptych 120/40 cm, Diptych 50/80 cm, and Quattro 18/24 cm. Contents: 12 frame ledges for 3 pictures Tritpychon 120 x 40 cm with fixing material (corner joints, springs, hook and screws), assembly instructions.

Aluminium frame Triptych 120 x 40 cm – mat silver
Acrylic paints for painting, handicraft and decoration work

Brushes, paints & Co.

Acrylic paints for painting, handicraft and decoration work


€21.991 l = €203.61

Acrylic paints for painting, handicraft and decoration work Brand-new and unprecedented! 36 different colors in one set. Superior quality by SCHIPPER Painting by Numbers, developed and manufactured in Germany, filled into convenient small plastic pots with 3 ml contents each. The paints are water-based and adhere to nearly every surface. Apart from 24 mixed hues based on the primary colors blue, red, yellow and green according to Isaac Newton’s color circle, the set also comprises 6 colors based on white, black and brown up to delicate pastel colors in 6 different shades. In addition, the set contains 1 fine brush, empty pots for mixing of colors and detailed instructions on the use of the colors. Important hint! This item’s colors do not correspond with the paint colors of the Painting by Number paintings.

Acrylic paints for painting, handicraft and decoration work
Aluminium frame 40 x 80 cm

Picture Frames

Aluminium frame 40 x 80 cm



The aluminum frame to fit your masterpiece! Every painting is only brought to bear if it is beautifully framed. Choosing the fitting frame is a difficult task in view of the immense choice. This is why SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts chose an aluminum frame that does not only fit all Painting-by-Numbers motifs but also goes hand in hand with every furniture style. The anodized frame with the golden shimmer and narrow outline makes the painting look expressive and frames it discreetly at the same time. The kit consists of individual frame moldings to be easily assembled plus the necessary fitting material and an assembly instruction. The picture frames are available in the following dimensions: 40/50cm, 50/60cm, 40/80cm, triptych 50/80, triptych 40/120, diptych 50/80 and Quattro 18/24. Contents: 4 golden-colored picture moldings for 1 picture frame, 40x80cm, with fixing material (corner connectors, springs, hook and screws), assembly instructions.  

Aluminium frame 40 x 80 cm
Passepartout cardboard for paintings sized 40 x 50 cm

Brushes, paints & Co.

Passepartout cardboard for paintings sized 40 x 50 cm



Passepartout cardboard with plastic pane for paintings sized 40 x 50 cm. The optimum framing for your masterpiece! White passepartout cardboard with bevel cut. Outside dimensions size 50 x 60 cm. Plastic pane 50 x 60 with protective film on both sides.  Rear cardboard 50 x 60 cm. Detailed instructions. Important hint: For a fitting frame, please see our SCHIPPER accessories range. Gold 50 x 60, ref. no. 60 512 0709. Silver 50 x 60 cm, ref no. 60 524 0769. Contents of the box: White passepartout cardboard with bevel cut for paintings sized 40 x 50 cm. Outside dimensions: 50 x 60 cm. Plastic pane sized 50 x 60 cm with protective film. Cardboard back board sized 40 x 50 cm. Detailed instructions. _________________________________________________________________________________ IT Passepartout con lastra in vetro sintetico per dipinti in formato 40 x 50 cm L’incorniciatura perfetta per il vostro capolavoro. Passepartout in cartone bianco con taglio inclinato. Misure esterne 50 x 60 cm. Lastra in vetro sintetico da 50 x 60 cm corredata di pellicola protettiva su entrambi i lati. Fodera posteriore in cartone 50 x 60 cm. Istruzioni dettagliate. Nota bene: cornici adatte sono reperibili nella gamma di accessori SCHIPPER. Dorate 50 x 60 cm, cod. art. 60 512 0709. Argentate 50 x 60 cm, cod. art. 60 524 0769. La confezione contiene: Passepartout in cartone bianco con taglio inclinato per quadri di formato 40 x 50 cm. Misure esterne: 50 x 60 cm. Lastra in vetro sintetico 50 x 60 cm con pellicola protettiva. Fodera posteriore in cartone 50 x 60 cm. Istruzioni dettagliate. _________________________________________________________________________________ NL Passe-partout met kunststof glazen plaat voor beeldformaat 40 x 50 cm De optimale omlijsting voor uw meesterwerk! Wit passe-partoutkarton, schuin afgesneden. Buitenafmetingen 50 x 60 cm. Kunststof glazen plaat 50 x 60 cm met beschermfolie aan beide zijden. Achterwandkarton 50 x 60 cm. Uitvoerige instructies. Opmerking: passende lijst in het SCHIPPER aanbod voor toebehoren. Goud 50 x 60 cm artikelnr. 60 512 0709. Zilver 50 x 60 cm artikelnr. 60 524 0769. Inhoud van de verpakking: Wit passe-partoutkarton, schuin afgesneden, voor 40 x 50 cm schilderijen. Buitenafmetingen 50 x 60 cm. Kunststof glazen ruit 50 x 60 cm met beschermfolie. Achterwandkarton 50 x 60 cm. Uitvoerige instructies.

Passepartout cardboard for paintings sized 40 x 50 cm
Aluminium frame 40 x 80 cm – mat silver

Picture Frames

Aluminium frame 40 x 80 cm – mat silver



The fitting aluminium frame for your masterpiece! Every painting will produce its full effect only when beautifully framed. The big choice makes it very difficult to find a suitable frame. SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts offers an aluminium frame which does not only go well with all Painting-by-Numbers motifs, but also suits every style of furniture. The anodized frame, with its slim profile gives the painting expressive power and frames it discreetly. The frames are supplied in the form of individual frame ledges, easy to assemble yourself. Each box includes the necessary fixing material and assembly instructions. The frames are available for sizes 24/30 cm, 40/50 cm, 50/60 cm, 40/80 cm, Triptych 50/80 cm, Triptych 120/40 cm, Diptych 50/80 cm, and Quattro 18/24 cm. Contents: 4 frame ledges for 1 picture 40 x 80 cm with fixing material (corner joints, springs, hook and screws), assembly instructions.

Aluminium frame 40 x 80 cm – mat silver
Aluminium frame Quattro 18 x 24 cm – mat silver

Picture Frames

Aluminium frame Quattro 18 x 24 cm – mat silver



The fitting aluminium frame for your masterpiece! Every painting will produce its full effect only when beautifully framed. The big choice makes it very difficult to find a suitable frame. SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts offers an aluminium frame which does not only go well with all Painting-by-Numbers motifs, but also suits every style of furniture. The anodized frame, with its slim profile gives the painting expressive power and frames it discreetly. The frames are supplied in the form of individual frame ledges, easy to assemble yourself. Each box includes the necessary fixing material and assembly instructions. The frames are available for sizes 24/30 cm, 40/50 cm, 50/60 cm, 40/80 cm, Triptych 50/80 cm, Triptych 120/40 cm, Diptych 50/80 cm, and Quattro 18/24 cm. Contents: 16 frame ledges for 4 pictures Quattro 18 x 24 cm with fixing material (corner joints, springs, hook and screws), assembly instructions.

Aluminium frame Quattro 18 x 24 cm – mat silver
Passepartout cardboard for paintings sized 24 x 30 cm

Brushes, paints & Co.

Passepartout cardboard for paintings sized 24 x 30 cm



Passepartout cardboard with plastic pane for paintings sized 24 x 30 cm. The optimum framing for your masterpiece! White passepartout cardboard with bevel cut. Outside dimensions 40 x 50 cm. Plastic pane 40 x 50 with protective film on both sides.  Rear cardboard 40 x 50 cm. Detailed instructions. Important hint: For a fitting frame, please see our SCHIPPER accessories range. Gold 40 x 50, ref. no. 60 511 0710. Silver 40 x 50 cm, ref no. 60 523 0770. Contents of the box: White passepartout cardboard with bevel cut for paintings sized 24 x 30 cm. Outside dimensions: 40 x 50 cm. Plastic pane sized 40 x 50 cm with protective film. Cardboard back board sized 40 x 50 cm. Detailed instructions. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I Passepartout con lastra in vetro sintetico per dipinti in formato 24 x 30 cm. L’incorniciatura perfetta per il vostro capolavoro. Passepartout in cartone bianco con taglio inclinato. Misure esterne: 40 x 50 cm. Lastra in vetro sintetico da 40 x 50 cm corredata di pellicola protettiva su entrambi i lati. Fodera posteriore in cartone 40 x 50 cm. Istruzioni dettagliate. Nota bene: cornici adatte sono reperibili nella gamma di accessori SCHIPPER. Dorate 40 x 50 cm, cod. art. 60 511 0710. Argentate 40 x 50 cm, cod. art. 60 523 0770. La confezione contiene: Passepartout in cartone bianco con taglio inclinato per quadri di formato 24 x 30 cm. Misure esterne: 40 x 50 cm. Lastra in vetro sintetico 40 x 50 cm con pellicola protettiva. Fodera posteriore in cartone 40 x 50 cm. Istruzioni dettagliate. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NL Passe-partout met kunststof glazen plaat voor beeldformaat 24 x 30 cm. De optimale omlijsting voor uw meesterwerk! Wit passe-partoutkarton, schuin afgesneden. Buitenafmetingen 40 x 50 cm. Kunststof glazen plaat 40 x 50 cm met beschermfolie aan beide zijden. Achterwandkarton 40 x 50 cm. Uitvoerige instructies. Opmerking: passende lijst in het SCHIPPER aanbod voor toebehoren. Goud 40 x 50 cm artikelnr. 60 511 0710. Zilver 40 x 50 cm artikelnr. 60 523 0770. Inhoud van de verpakking: Wit passe-partoutkarton, schuin afgesneden, voor 24 x 30 cm schilderijen. Buitenafmetingen 40 x 50 cm. Kunststof glazen ruit 40 x 50 cm met beschermfolie. Achterwandkarton 40 x 50 cm. Uitvoerige instructies.

Passepartout cardboard for paintings sized 24 x 30 cm
Water-Lily Pond - painting by numbers

Famous paintings

Water-Lily Pond - painting by numbers


soon available again

Museum Selection - “Painting starts where words end…” With a high degree of competence and thoroughness, SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts converted all motifs of the “Renowned Painters” series into the Painting by Numbers technique. It is a highlight for every hobby painter to repaint and recreate these precious originals. The motif: “Water-Lily Pond” When Claude Monet (1840-1926) laid out his famous garden at Giverny, he used it as a motif for many of his garden pictures. The artwork “Water-Lily Pond with Japanese Bridge” was painted in 1899. In the last few years of his life, Claude Monet had developed a severe eye disease. This handicap became increasingly visible in his pictures. After two surgeries, his eyesight was back, but, suffering from depression, he even destroyed half-finished pictures and sketches because he would not allow them to be sold. He died in Giverny on December 5, 1926. Picture format and painting template: „MASTERPIECE Premium“. These pictures in upright or landscape format of 40 x 50 cm can be positioned side by side or one below the other and are particularly suited for a fine picture gallery. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts has matching aluminum frames on offer for this format. Please go to our menu bar “Frame Service”. Contents of the box: Rigid painting cardboard with canvas structure finish, size 40 x 50 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. .............................. I Collezione museo - “La pittura inizia dove finiscono le parole....” Tutti i soggetti della serie “Pittori famosi” di SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts sono stati trasposti con grande abilità e cura tramite la tecnica di pittura per numeri. Per ogni pittore dilettante è una splendida esperienza poter dipingere questi preziosi originali ricreandone il processo di esecuzione. Il soggetto: “Lo stagno delle ninfee” Quando Claude Monet (1840-1926) creò il suo famoso giardino a Giverny, esso divenne un soggetto per molti dei suoi quadri. Il dipinto “Lo stagno delle ninfee con il ponte giapponese” fu realizzato nel 1899. Negli ultimi anni di vita, Claude Monet soffrì di una grave malattia agli occhi e la sua disabilità divenne sempre più visibile nei suoi dipinti. Dopo due operazioni riconquistò la vista, ma soffrì di depressioni e distrusse anche alcuni bozzetti e dipinti non terminati, poiché non voleva che venissero venduti. Morì il 5 dicembre 1926 a Giverny. Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: “MEISTERKLASSE Premium”. Raggruppati uno accanto/sotto all’altro, i dipinti in formato orizzontale o verticale di 40 x 50 cm sono particolarmente adatti per creare una piccola pinacoteca personale. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l’aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto “Servizio cornici”. La confezione contiene: Pannello in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino 40 x 50 cm. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. .............................. NL Museumcollectie - “ Schilderkunst begint, waar woorden tekortschieten....” Alle motieven van de serie “Beroemde schilders” zijn door SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts met grote vakkundigheid en zorg omgezet  in de schilderen-op-nummer-techniek. Voor iedere hobbyschilder een hoogtepunt, om deze kostbare originelen na te schilderen en het ontstaan ervan na te voelen. Het motief: “Waterlelievijver” Toen Claude Monet (1840-1926) zijn beroemde tuin in Giverny aanlegde, was dit een motief voor veel van zijn tuinschilderijen. Het schilderij “Waterlelievijver met Japanse brug” ontstond in het jaar 1899. In zijn laatste levensjaren kreeg Claude Monet een ernstige oogziekte. Deze kwaal werd meer en meer ook op zijn schilderijen zichtbaar. Na twee operaties kreeg hij weliswaar het licht in zijn ogen terug, leed echter aan depressies en vernietigde zelfs halfvoltooide schilderijen en schetsen, omdat hij niet wilde dat ze in de handel kwamen. Hij overleed op 5-12-1926 in Giverny. Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: “MEESTERKLASSE Premium”. Schilderijen in staand formaat of landschapsformaat van 40 x 50 cm, naast of onder elkaar gegroepeerd, zijn bijzonder geschikt voor een schilderijenverzameling. Het schildervoorbeeld heeft een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeelding onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk “schilderijlijst-service”. Inhoud van de verpakking: Stevig schilderkarton met linnenstructuur 40 x 50 cm. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

Water-Lily Pond - painting by numbers
Africa - The Magic of a Continent - painting by numbers


Africa - The Magic of a Continent - painting by numbers


soon available again

The motif: “Africa – The Magic of a Continent” Africa is the cradle of mankind and the 3rd largest continent in the world. The breathtaking beauty of nature attracts an increasing number of tourists to come and visit the mysterious African continent every year where magic is in the air when the crimson sun sets on the horizon: “Africa – the magic of a continent”. The Picture format and painting template: “MASTERPIECE Triptych”. A triptych is a picture composed of three individual paintings. The picture in the center is sized 40 x 50 cm, the pictures on the left and right side are sized 20 x 50 cm. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts has matching aluminum frames on offer for this format. Please go to our menu bar “Frame Service”. Contents of the box: 3 rigid painting cardboards with canvas structure finish. Picture in the center measures 40 x 50 cm, pictures on both sides measure 20 x 50 cm each. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. .............................. I Il soggetto: “Africa - La magia di un continente” L’Africa: la culla dell’umanità e il terzo continente del mondo per dimensioni. La bellezza mozzafiato della natura attira sempre più turisti nella misteriosa Africa, avvolta da un velo di magia, quando il sole incandescente affonda all’orizzonte: “Africa – la magia di un continente”. La Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: “MEISTERKLASSE Trittico”. Un trittico è un quadro suddiviso in tre parti. Il pannello centrale misura 40 x 50 cm, quelli laterali rispettivamente 20 x 50 cm. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l'aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto “Servizio cornici”. La confezione contiene: 3 pannelli in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino. Pannello centrale 40 x 50 cm. Pannelli laterali 20 x 50 cm ciascuno. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. .............................. NL Het motief: “Africa - Magie van een continent” Afrika, de wieg van de mensheid en het op twee na grootste werelddeel. De adembenemende schoonheid van de natuur lokt elk jaar meer toeristen naar het geheimzinnige Afrika, waar een zweem magie over het land ligt als de zon bloedrood aan de horizon ondergaat: “Afrika – magie van een werelddeel”. Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: “MEESTERKLASSE drieluik”. Een drieluik is een in drieën verdeelde afbeelding. Het middelste schilderij heeft het formaat 40 x 50 cm, de twee schilderijen links en rechts elk 20 x 50 cm. De schildervoorbeelden hebben een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeeldingen onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk “schilderijlijst-service”. Inhoud van de verpakking: 3 stukken stevig schilderkarton met linnenstructuur. Middenafbeelding 40 x 50 cm Zijafbeeldingen elk 20 x 50 cm. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

Africa - The Magic of a Continent - painting by numbers
Cat in a backpack - painting by numbers


Cat in a backpack - painting by numbers


soon available again

Cat in a Backpack For thousands of years, cats have been close companions of men and the best-loved pet until today for a good reason: their distinct learning and adaptation skills. They seek the company of men without giving up neither their independence  nor their predator behavior. The motif  reveals both the mutual and close relation and affection between man and animal. Nobody can ignore the cat’s interested and alert look. An expressive cat motif for hobby painting! Format and painting template: “MASTERCLASS Classics”. The paintings sized 24 x 30 cm fit extremely well into a small picture gallery or a wall full of paintings. Nicely presented in groups or decoratively hung up on a wall, they are true eye catchers. The template has a palpable and visible canvas structure that does not only improve the visual impact of the finished painting, but also stresses the artistic character of the painting and the desired “oil-on-canvas effect.  Hint: SCHIPPER Painting by Numbers offers you the fitting aluminum frames and passepartouts for this format. Please see our homepage - – motifs/accessories for further information. Contents of the box: Rigid painting cardboard with canvas structure finish, size 24 x 30 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results.

Cat in a backpack - painting by numbers
Coffee break - painting by numbers


Coffee break - painting by numbers


soon available again

The motif: “Coffee break” The 4 motifs “coffee break” are decorative objects in any modern life-style design. For which type of coffee will the hobby painter decide when painting the pictures? Will it be a white coffee, a cappuccino, an espresso or a latte macchiato? The Picture format and painting template: “MASTERPIECE QUATTRO” is the new series of paintings by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. The 4 pictures are sized 18 x 24 cm. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts has the matching aluminum frames on offer for this format. Please go to our menu bar “Frame Service”. Contents of the box: 4 rigid painting cardboards with canvas structure finish, size 18 x 24 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. .............................. I Il soggetto: “Pausa caffè” I 4 quadretti “Pausa caffè” sono oggetti decorativi che si adattano alla perfezione al design abitativo moderno. Cosa deciderà di gustare il pittore per hobby mentre lavora: caffellatte, cappuccino, espresso o latte macchiato? La Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: “Meisterklasse QUATTRO” è la nuova serie della SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 dipinti in formato 18 x 24 cm. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l'aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto “Servizio cornici”. La confezione contiene: 4 pannelli 18 x 24 cm in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. .............................. NL Het motief: “Koffiepauze” De vier motieven “Koffiepauze” vormen decoratie-objecten voor modern woondesign. Welke soort zal de hobbyschilder kiezen terwijl hij de schilderijen maakt? Voor caffè latte, cappuccino, espresso of latte macchiato? Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: “Meesterklasse QUATTRO” is de nieuwe serie afbeeldingen van SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 afbeeldingen in het formaat 18 x 24 cm. De schildervoorbeelden hebben een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeeldingen onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk “schilderijlijst-service”. Inhoud van de verpakking: 4 stukken stevig schilderkarton 18 x 24 cm met linnenstructuur. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

Coffee break - painting by numbers
Fossils - painting by numbers

- 30 %


Fossils - painting by numbers


soon available again

Excavating fossilised plants and animals from the earth’s early history has always been a source of great fascination for people. These four pictures from the Quattro series show particularly intriguing and beautiful specimens of these “fossil works of art”, created by nature over millions of years. Through hobby painting, these testimonies from our planet’s prehistory become attractive wall decorations. 

Fossils - painting by numbers
Fox - Polygon-Art - painting by numbers

Polygon Art

Fox - Polygon-Art - painting by numbers


soon available again

“Polygon-Art” – Fox Polygon-Art uses geometry for an artistic alienation, thus creating a new visual scope of creativity - a a perfect fit for our modern times. A painting is created by composing geometric forms, matching and contrastive colors, the surface structure of which reminds us of a jewel. It gives the “fox motif” a particular radiance and a notable liveliness. Polygon-Art is an asset for hobby painting, if only because of its expressive painting technique.

Fox - Polygon-Art - painting by numbers
Magic mushroom village - painting by numbers


Magic mushroom village - painting by numbers


soon available again

Magic mushroom village Colorful mushrooms keep springing from the ground to surround a smaller water body in the forest. If you have a closer look you will see the windows and doors in the mushrooms. Who can possibly live here? The bright and joyful colors and forms of the  mushrooms alongside the waters please the viewers and invite them to embark on a phantastic journey.

Magic mushroom village - painting by numbers
New York at dawn - painting by numbers


New York at dawn - painting by numbers


soon available again

The motif: New York at dawn The “Big Apple” with all its lights shimmers golden on the banks of the East River at dawn while the skyline of New York City unfolds its particular charme in the early hours of the morning. The colors of sky and water with the impressive Brooklyn Bridge in the front are full of atmosphere and give us a particular impression of this lively metropolis. Picture format and painting template: The new series “Master Class POLYPTCH – Professional Edition” by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts Originally, a polyptych was a so-called winged altar-piece, the overall motif of which is divided into separate sections. The “Professional Edition’s” motif is an artwork of 5 parts and covers a wall space of approx. 132 x 72 cm. This artwork requires the hobby painter’s precision and patience when painting. Simultaneously, the demands to the painter’s skills are high, even if he is well-versed. However, the result is going to make up for all the efforts taken. The appreciation and admiration of the artwork’s stunned viewers will reward the hobby painter. The package includes an assembly instruction for 5 picture carriers. Contents of the box: 5 rigid painting cardboards: 2 templates 263 x 476 mm, 2 templates 263 x 598 mm, 1 template 263 x 720 mm with canvas structure finish. Precise contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic colors. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful painting. Assembly instruction for 5 frameless picture carriers is enclosed in the package. ................................................................................................................................... I Il soggetto: New York all’alba Al risveglio mattutino, sulle rive dell’Hudson River, “Big Apple” è tutto uno scintillio di luci dorate. È proprio nelle prime ore del giorno che lo skyline di New York City sprigiona un fascino assolutamente singolare. Il gioco di colori tra cielo e acqua, con l’imponente Brooklyn Bridge in primo piano, regala un’immagine particolarmente suggestiva di questa metropoli vivace e poliedrica. Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: La nuova serie “Capolavori POLITTICO - Professional Edition” di SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. In origine per polittico si intendeva una pala d’altare composta da più tavole. Il soggetto della “Professional Edition” è composto da 5 pannelli e, applicato a parete, ricopre una superficie di ca. 132 x 72 cm. La realizzazione del quadro richiede un lavoro preciso e paziente, nel contempo rappresenta una grande sfida perfino per le capacità tecniche del pittore per hobby più esperto. Il risultato ricompensa tuttavia ogni fatica! Infatti l’opera finita, presentata con orgoglio dall’artista per hobby, susciterà le lodi e l’ammirazione dell’osservatore colmo di stupore. Ogni confezione contiene le istruzioni per il montaggio del supporto per 5 quadri. La confezione contiene: 5 pannelli in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino: 2 elementi da 263 x 476 mm, 2 elementi da 263 x 598 mm, 1 elemento da 263 x 720 mm. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. Istruzioni di montaggio per 5 pannelli senza cornice. ................................................................................................................................... NL Het motief: New York in de ochtendschemering Goudkleurig glinsteren de lichten van "Big Apple" aan de oever van de East River in de ochtend. De skyline van New York City ontvouwt vooral in de vroege ochtenduren haar bijzondere charme. Het kleurenspel van lucht en water en ook van de imposante Brooklyn Bridge op de voorgrond zorgen voor een bijzonder stemmig beeld van deze bruisende metropool. Het beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: De nieuwe serie "Meesterklasse VEELLUIK – Professionele editie" van SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. Een veelluik noemde men oorspronkelijk een zogeheten vleugelaltaar met onderverdeelde schilderijen. Het motief van de "Professionele editie" is vijfdelig en bedekt een muuroppervlak van ca. 132 x 72 cm. Het maken van het schilderij vereist nauwkeurig en geduldig schilderen en stelt tegelijkertijd hoge eisen aan de schildervaardigheden van zelfs de ervaren hobbyschilder. Het resultaat is echter ruimschoots de moeite waard. Want het voltooide werk dat de hobbyschilder vol trots presenteert, ontlokt de verbaasde toeschouwer lof en bewondering. Montage-instructies voor 5 beelddragers zijn bij elke verpakking gevoegd. De inhoud van de verpakking: 5 stevige schilderkartons: 2 voorbeelden 263 x 476 mm, 2 voorbeelden 263 x 598 mm, 1 voorbeeld 263 x 720 mm met linnenstructuur. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderpenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen. Bouwinstructies voor 5 lijstloze beelddragers.

New York at dawn - painting by numbers
Pandas - painting by numbers


Pandas - painting by numbers


soon available again

The motif: “Pandas” Big panda is its name. It is also called giant panda or bamboo bear. In spite of species protection, the heraldic animal of the WWF is threatened with extinction since 1939. The big panda lives mainly on bamboo shoots, eating up to 30 kilograms of them every day. It looks funny when it takes a sitting posture for eating. Thanks to its appearance and its peaceful nature, the big panda is one of the most popular animals, especially among children, and is, therefore, a beautiful motif for all young and old hobby artists. Picture format and painting template: “MASTERPIECE CLASSICS”. These pictures sized 24 x 30 cm go with all reasonably priced clip-on picture frames available in building centers. For a small picture gallery, they can be nicely grouped and hung up in a decorative way. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired oil “on canvas effect”. Contents of the box: Rigid painting cardboard with canvas structure finish, size 24 x 30 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. .............................. I Il soggetto: “Panda” Il suo nome comune è panda maggiore, ma è detto anche panda gigante oppure orso del bambù. Nonostante sia una specie protetta sin dal 1939, l'animale simbolo del WWF è in via di estinzione. Il panda si nutre principalmente di bambù e ne mangia fino a 30 kg al giorno. Quanto è buffo quando si mette seduto per sgranocchiare il suo pasto! Per il suo aspetto grazioso e l'indole tranquilla è uno degli animali più amati, specialmente dai bambini, nonché un bel soggetto pittorico per tutti gli artisti per hobby, sia grandi che piccini. Misura del q’uadro e supporto per la pittura: “MEISTERKLASSE i Classici”. Per i dipinti in formato 24 x 30 cm si possono usare le cornici a giorno comunemente reperibili in commercio a prezzo conveniente, ad esempio nei negozi di bricolage. Per creare una piccola pinacoteca personale si possono appendere raggruppati con gusto ottenendo un bell'effetto decorativo. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l'aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. La confezione contiene: Pannello in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino 24 x 30 cm. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. .............................. NL Het motief: “Pandas” Dit is de grote panda. Hij wordt ook wel reuzenpanda of bamboebeer genoemd. Het wapendier van het WWF loopt ondanks bescherming van de soort sinds 1939 gevaar uit te sterven. De pandabeer voedt zich voornamelijk met bamboe en kan daarvan wel 30 kilo per dag wegwerken. Het is een grappig gezicht als hij gaat zitten om te eten. Vanwege zijn uiterlijk en zijn vreedzame aard is hij, vooral bij kinderen, een van de populairste dieren en biedt een fraai motief voor alle grote en kleine hobbykunstenaars Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: “MEESTERKLASSE Klassieker”. Schilderijen in het formaat 24 x 30 cm passen in gebruikelijke wissellijsten, die in bouwmarkten voordelig te krijgen zijn. Voor een kleine schilderijenverzameling kunnen zij fraai worden gegroepeerd en decoratief opgehangen. Het schildervoorbeeld heeft een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar het geschilderde karakter van de afbeelding wordt onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. Inhoud van de verpakking: Stevig schilderkarton met linnenstructuur 24 x 30 cm. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

Pandas - painting by numbers
Parrots in the rain forest - painting by numbers


Parrots in the rain forest - painting by numbers


soon available again

Parrots in the rain forest The tropical rain forest belongs to those regions on our earth that are in need of particular protection. The fauna and flora of these “green lungs” are unique. Like no other animal, the intelligent and social parrots represent the beauty of this threatened habitat. They are in the focus of this triptych, charming the viewer because of the their powerful colors and realistic representation. With this painting, the hobby painter is going to discover a colorful wonder of nature. The Picture format and painting template: “MASTERPIECE Triptych”. A triptych is a picture composed of three individual paintings. The picture in the center is sized 40 x 50 cm, the pictures on the left and right side are sized 20 x 50 cm. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Painting by Numbers offers you the fitting aluminum frames and passepartouts for this format. Please see our homepage - – motifs/accessories for further information. Contents of the box: 3 rigid painting cardboards with canvas structure finish. Picture in the center measures 40 x 50 cm, pictures on both sides measure 20 x 50 cm each. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results.

Parrots in the rain forest - painting by numbers
Small Birch Tree Wood - painting by numbers


Small Birch Tree Wood - painting by numbers


soon available again

The motif: Small Birch Tree Wood The sun-drenched birch tree wood is a special treat when painting. The different hues of green of its foliage and its grey and white trunks, with a silvery shine in some spots, are both an inspiration for every hobby painter and a special challenge. The summer atmosphere of this paining is particularly stressed by the shadows cast by the trees along the forest path and the adjoining meadow with wild flowers. The finished picture is an invitation to go for a walk in the wood and nearly fascinates every viewer. 50 years of PAINTING BY NUMBERS by „SCHIPPER“ (1969-2019) With its lovely landscapes and flower motifs, the series “MASTER CLASS Classics” reminds us of the time when Painting by Numbers was created in the 1960ies. The motifs themselves have made this new painting technique a success and they have counted among the most favorite motifs of all hobby painters until today. SCHIPPER brings back the motifs from the past under the title “Paint and collect beautiful pictures” in the format as used in the past, i.e. 24 x 30 cm. It is simply fun to color them. Picture format and painting template: “MASTERPIECE CLASSICS”. These pictures sized 24 x 30 cm go with all reasonably priced clip-on picture frames available in building centers. For a small picture gallery, they can be nicely grouped and hung up in a decorative way. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired oil “on canvas effect”. Contents of the box: Rigid painting cardboard with canvas structure finish, size 24 x 30 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Italienisch Il soggetto: Boschetto di betulle Il boschetto di betulle inondato dal sole è un soggetto che stuzzica in particolar modo l’interesse del pittore. Le mille sfumature di verde delle foglie e il grigio-bianco dei tronchi che s’illuminano qua e là di bagliori argentei solleticano l’ispirazione di ogni artista per hobby, ponendolo però nel contempo di fronte a una sfida estremamente sottile. L’atmosfera estiva del quadro è messa in rilievo dal gioco di luci e ombre tra gli alberi che costeggiano il sentiero e i lembi terminali dell’attiguo prato punteggiati di fiori selvatici. L’opera finita invita a fare una passeggiata nel bosco trascinando quasi inevitabilmente l’osservatore nella sua magia. 50 anni di DIPINGERE CON I NUMERI di “SCHIPPER” (1969-2019) Con i suoi ameni soggetti paesaggistici e floreali la collezione CAPOLAVORI classici ricorda gli inizi del “Dipingere con i numeri" negli anni ’60. Si tratta di soggetti che hanno fatto il successo di questa nuova tecnica pittorica e sono ancor oggi tra i temi più amati degli artisti per hobby. Sotto il titolo “Dipingere e collezionare bei quadri” SCHIPPER propone scene dal tocco retrò nel formato allora consueto 24 x 30 cm: sarà semplicemente un piacere dipingerle! Misura del q’uadro e supporto per la pittura: “MEISTERKLASSE i Classici”. Per i dipinti in formato 24 x 30 cm si possono usare le cornici a giorno comunemente reperibili in commercio a prezzo conveniente, ad esempio nei negozi di bricolage. Per creare una piccola pinacoteca personale si possono appendere raggruppati con gusto ottenendo un bell'effetto decorativo. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l'aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. La confezione contiene: Pannello in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino 24 x 30 cm. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Holländisch Het motief: Berkenbosje Het zonovergoten berkenbosje noodt enorm tot schilderen. De verschillende tinten groen van de bladeren en de witgrijze, hier en daar zilverachtig glanzende stammen van de berken inspireren elke hobbyschilder, maar plaatsen hem tegelijkertijd voor een bijzondere uitdaging. De zomerse sfeer van de afbeelding wordt bijzonder benadrukt door het schaduwspel van de bomen op het bospad, omzoomd door gras en wilde bloemen. Het kant-en-klare schilderij noodt tot een boswandeling en fascineert de toeschouwer vrijwel onmiddellijk. 50 jaar SCHILDEREN OP NUMMERS van "SCHIPPER" (1969-2019) De serie MEESTERKLASSE klassiekers herinnert met lieflijke landschaps- en bloemenmotieven aan de beginperiode van "Schilderen op nummers" in de jaren zestig van de vorige eeuw. Het zijn motieven die deze schildertechniek tot een succes hebben gemaakt en zij behoren ook nu nog bij alle hobbyschilders tot de populairste schilderonderwerpen. Onder de titel "Mooie schilderijen maken en verzamelen" brengt SCHIPPER retromotieven in het destijds gebruikelijke formaat 24 x 30 cm uit, die gewoon leuk zijn om te schilderen. Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: “MEESTERKLASSE Klassieker”. Schilderijen in het formaat 24 x 30 cm passen in gebruikelijke wissellijsten, die in bouwmarkten voordelig te krijgen zijn. Voor een kleine schilderijenverzameling kunnen zij fraai worden gegroepeerd en decoratief opgehangen. Het schildervoorbeeld heeft een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar het geschilderde karakter van de afbeelding wordt onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. Inhoud van de verpakking: Stevig schilderkarton met linnenstructuur 24 x 30 cm. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

Small Birch Tree Wood - painting by numbers
The Café Terrace at Night - painting by numbers

Famous paintings

The Café Terrace at Night - painting by numbers


soon available again

Museum Selection - “Painting starts where words end…” With a high degree of competence and thoroughness, SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts converted all motifs of the “Renowned Painters” series into the Painting by Numbers technique. It is a highlight for every hobby painter to repaint and recreate these precious originals. The motif: “The Café Terrace at Night” “The Café Terrace at Night” by Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890). The café situated at the Place du Forum à Arles (France) nowadays nearly looks the same as it does in this painting, created in 1888, with the complementary colors blue and yellow that dominate the artwork. The front places in the café are empty. Two chairs in the front invite the contemplator to take a seat. In the background a few guests are already seated. A waiter attends to the service of their first orders. Picture format and painting template: „MASTERPIECE Premium“. These pictures in upright or landscape format of 40 x 50 cm can be positioned side by side or one below the other and are particularly suited for a fine picture gallery. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts has matching aluminum frames on offer for this format. Please go to our menu bar “Frame Service”. Contents of the box: Rigid painting cardboard with canvas structure finish, size 40 x 50 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. .............................. I Collezione museo - “La pittura inizia dove finiscono le parole....” Tutti i soggetti della serie “Pittori famosi” di SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts sono stati trasposti con grande abilità e cura tramite la tecnica di pittura per numeri. Per ogni pittore dilettante è una splendida esperienza poter dipingere questi preziosi originali ricreandone il processo di esecuzione. Il soggetto: “Terrazza del caffè la sera” “Terrazza del caffè la sera” di Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890). Il caffè di Place du Forum ad Arles (Francia) è ancora oggi quasi identico a quello raffigurato nel quadro. Van Gogh lo dipinse nel 1888 utilizzando i colori complementari blu e giallo, che hanno un effetto dominante sull’immagine. I posti in primo piano sono vuoti e le sedie sembrano quasi invitare l’osservatore a sedersi, mentre in fondo alcuni ospiti sono già seduti e un cameriere serve i clienti. Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: “MEISTERKLASSE Premium”. Raggruppati uno accanto/sotto all'altro, i dipinti in formato orizzontale o verticale di 40 x 50 cm sono particolarmente adatti per creare una piccola pinacoteca personale. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l'aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto “Servizio cornici”. La confezione contiene: Pannello in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino 40 x 50 cm. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. .............................. NL Museumcollectie - “ Schilderkunst begint, waar woorden tekortschieten....” Alle motieven van de serie “Beroemde schilders” zijn door SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts met grote vakkundigheid en zorg omgezet  in de schilderen-op-nummer-techniek. Voor iedere hobbyschilder een hoogtepunt, om deze kostbare originelen na te schilderen en het ontstaan ervan na te voelen. Het motief: “Caféterras bij nacht - Nachtcafé” “Caféterras bij nacht” naar Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890). Het café op het Place du Forum in Arles (Frankrijk) ziet er vandaag de dag bijna net zo uit als op dit schilderij. Hij schilderde het in het jaar 1888 met de complementaire kleuren blauw en geel, die in het schilderij domineren. De voorste plaatsen in het café zijn leeg. De beschouwer uitnodigend staan er twee stoelen op de voorgrond, terwijl op de achtergrond al enkele gasten zitten en een kelner de eerste bestellingen serveert. Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: “MEESTERKLASSE Premium”. Schilderijen in staand formaat of landschapsformaat van 40 x 50 cm, naast of onder elkaar gegroepeerd, zijn bijzonder geschikt voor een schilderijenverzameling. Het schildervoorbeeld heeft een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeelding onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk “schilderijlijst-service”. Inhoud van de verpakking: Stevig schilderkarton met linnenstructuur 40 x 50 cm. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

The Café Terrace at Night - painting by numbers
The Way of St. James - painting by numbers


The Way of St. James - painting by numbers


soon available again

The Way of St. James The Way of St. James is Europe’s most famous pilgrimage path and is one of UNESCO’s world heritage sites. Various routes across Central Europe all head for the main route in Northern Spain that ends where the presumed supulture of the apostle St. James is situated at Santiago de Compostela in Galicia. Its cathedral is the central place of pilgrimage. Going on a pilgrimage and following the  “Camino de Santiago/Camino Frances” helps us to become aware again of the core values in life and it is said to have a positive effect on our body, soul and spirit. The motto saying “The journey is the reward” is ever so true on this route. The present motif puts the particular atmosphere, the symbolic power of pilgrimage and the pilgrim’s cathedral into the limelight in an art work and expresses our special wishes linked with this journey in a painting. Another milestone for every hobby painter. The Picture format and painting template: “MASTERPIECE Triptych”. A triptych is a picture composed of three individual paintings. The picture in the center is sized 40 x 50 cm, the pictures on the left and right side are sized 20 x 50 cm. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Painting by Numbers offers you the fitting aluminum frames and passepartouts for this format. Please see our homepage - – motifs/accessories for further information. Contents of the box: 3 rigid painting cardboards with canvas structure finish. Picture in the center measures 40 x 50 cm, pictures on both sides measure 20 x 50 cm each. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results.

The Way of St. James - painting by numbers
Venice - The city in the lagoon - painting by numbers


Venice - The city in the lagoon - painting by numbers


soon available again

The motif: Gently rocking to and fro, the gondolier steers is gondola through the picturesque channels of the romantic city which gives you the impression of an island floating on water. The picturesque mansions and palaces have fascinated visitors ever since, turning back the hands of time to the old days of the glamorous trading town. Bridal couples are sent way up into the seventh heaven. When painting this picture, the hobby painter literally enjoys the Venetian life style. Picture format and painting template: „MASTERPIECE Triptych“. A triptych is a picture composed of three individual paintings. The picture in the center is sized 40 x 50 cm, the pictures on the left and right side are sized 20 x 50 cm. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired „oil on canvas“ effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts has matching aluminum frames on offer for this format. Please go to our menu bar “Frame Service”.  Contents:  3 rigid painting cardboards with canvas structure finish. Picture in the center measures 40 x 50 cm, pictures on both sides measure 20 x 50 cm each. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. .............................. I Il soggetto: Venezia - La città lagunare Il gondoliere rema facendo dondolare dolcemente la barca tra i canali variopinti della romantica città che pare essere costruita sull'acqua come un'isola galleggiante. Con le sue ville e i suoi palazzi pittoreschi "Venezia" ammalia chiunque la visiti e, con molto charme, trasporta tutti ai tempi affascinanti della vecchia repubblica marinara, facendo sentire inoltre al settimo cielo le coppiette di sposini. Nel dipingere questo quadro l'artista per hobby si godrà letteralmente lo stile di vita veneziano. Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: "MEISTERKLASSE Trittico". Un trittico è un quadro suddiviso in tre parti. Il pannello centrale misura 40 x 50 cm, quelli laterali rispettivamente 20 x 50 cm. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l'aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto "olio su tela". Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto "Servizio cornici". La confezione contiene: 3 pannelli in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino. Pannello centrale 40 x 50 cm. Pannelli laterali 20 x 50 cm ciascuno. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. .............................. NL Het motief: Venetië - De lagunestad De gondoliere vaart zacht schommelend door de schilderachtige steegjes van de romantische stad, die als een drijvend eiland op water gebouwd lijkt te zijn. Met de pittoreske villa’s en paleizen weet "Venezia" iedere bezoeker te fascineren en leidt iedereen met veel charme de glamoureuze tijd van de oude handelsstad en pasgetrouwde paartjes de zevende hemel in. De hobbyschilder geniet letterlijk van de Venetiaanse levensstijl terwijl hij dit schilderij maakt Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: "MEESTERKLASSE drieluik". Een drieluik is een in drieën verdeelde afbeelding. Het middelste schilderij heeft het formaat 40 x 50 cm, de twee schilderijen links en rechts elk 20 x 50 cm. De schildervoorbeelden hebben een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeeldingen onderstreept en het gewenste "olie-op-doek-effect" ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk "schilderijlijst-service". Inhoud van de verpakking: 3 stukken stevig schilderkarton met linnenstructuur. Middenafbeelding 40 x 50 cm Zijafbeeldingen elk 20 x 50 cm. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

Venice - The city in the lagoon - painting by numbers
2 Aluminium frames 24 x 30 cm

Picture Frames

2 Aluminium frames 24 x 30 cm


soon available again

2 Aluminium frames 24 x 30 cm The fitting aluminium frame for your masterpiece! Every painting will produce its full effect only when beautifully framed. The big choice makes it very difficult to find a suitable frame. SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts offers an aluminium frame which does not only go well with all Painting-by-Numbers motifs, but also suits every style of furniture. The anodized frame, shining like gold, with its slim profile gives the painting expressive power and frames it discreetly. The frames are supplied in the form of individual frame ledges, easy to assemble yourself. Each box includes the necessary fixing material and assembly instructions. The frames are available for sizes 24/30 cm, 40/50 cm, 50/60 cm, 40/80 cm, Triptych 50/80 cm, Triptych 120/40 cm, Diptych 50/80 cm, and Quattro 18/24 cm. Contents of the box: 8 gold-colored frame ledges for 2 picture 24 x 30 cm with fixing material (corner joints, springs, hook and screws), assembly instructions.

2 Aluminium frames 24 x 30 cm

Brushes, paints & Co.



available from February

Discover the new Organizer from Schipper - the perfect solution for keeping your paint-by-numbers projects tidy! Measuring 19x39x10 cm, the Organizer offers enough space for up to 7 strands of paint, final varnish, brushes and the practical dotting pen. No more mess when painting: All utensils have their fixed place and are always ready to hand. Whether at home or on the go, the  Organizer ensures that you are always well organised and can concentrate fully on your creative work - the ideal companion for all Schipper fans!

157 of 157 Items

Painting by numbers for adults - create your own DIY artwork

Are you looking for a challenging hobby that you can do at home? Then painting by numbers for adults is just the thing for you. This popular trend offers you the opportunity to create impressive pictures without being a great artist. Numerous picture motifs make the hobby painting by numbers adults never boring and thanks to the fine number fields quite demanding in the implementation.

How does painting by numbers for adults work?

Painting by numbers for adults is not difficult. Previous knowledge is not necessary to create the DIY pictures. All you need is a little time and patience and a motif including colors and brushes. Create motifs of your choice to hang them in your home or give them to friends and family.

Whether a small picture or a multi-part composition - the principle is always the same. You fill in fields marked with numbers on a canvas precisely and in the specified colors. Step by step, the finished work of art is created.

Here's how you do it:

  1. A bright place with daylight is ideal for setting up your easel. Alternatively, the picture can lie on the table.
  2. First, get all the materials ready and cover the floor with a carpet pad to protect it from paint splatters. Use a glass of water to wash out the brushes.
  3. Now proceed as structured as possible and according to the instructions by applying only one color at a time evenly to the designated fields. All colors are numbered for a better overview.
  4. Let everything dry well before you start with the next color. This way you avoid messy transitions due to colors running into each other.
  5. Before each color change, it is important to thoroughly wash out and dry the brush.
  6. Is your new masterpiece ready? A special clear varnish helps to seal the image permanently and thus protect it from fading and soiling.

Tip: Thanks to very precise, thin outline drawings with small numbers, you won't lose your bearings so quickly. Small mistakes can be easily corrected after drying by applying another layer of paint.

Painting by numbers for adults - good quality is important

Decisive for the successful work of art is a high quality of the colors and brushes. To guarantee good quality when painting by numbers, all colors, but also brushes, paints and other accessories from Schipper meet the highest standards.

With us you get only very high-quality paints and varnishes, so you can enjoy your DIY artwork with painting by numbers for adults by Schipper for a long time. The strong paint boxes are provided with a tactile and visible linen structure, which brings your picture visually optimally to the fore.

All colors are already pre-mixed and ready for use upon delivery. Light-fast water-based acrylic paints with ISO certification and high-quality brushes made from synthetic hair, perfected with sturdy wooden handles are standard in all painting by numbers Schipper sets.

All materials are produced according to strict specifications and regularly checked. High opacity is just as important to us as the long durability of the colors and their resistance to heat and cold.

These accessories for painting by numbers adults you will find in our store:

  • Special brushes: Brushes with extra-strong synthetic hair are available from Schipper in various sizes. They lie well in the hand and are very easy to handle.
  • Top coat clear & glossy: With this water-thinnable acrylic resin-based paint, you seal the surface of your DIY artwork. It also brings out the colors even better - your picture looks radiant and vibrant after application.
  • Paintmaster: The sliding wooden bar makes it easier for you to apply the colors. You can use it to store the paint pots you are currently using, and you can also place your brushes safely on it during painting breaks.
  • Mounts are available in various sizes as a decorative framing for painting by numbers for adults Schipper.
  • Acrylic paints: Order more colors in case they dry out or run.

Painting by numbers for adults with frame

Schipper offers the matching frames for various painting by numbers picture formats. Available are these sets "Painting by numbers adults" with frames in different sizes, for example, in silver or shiny gold finish.

The frames are very narrow in profile and give your artwork even more expressiveness. You simply assemble them yourself and attach your painting by numbers set thanks to the included mounting hardware directly to a wall of your choice.

Painting by numbers for adults - our Schipper motifs

The selection at Schipper is really huge and offers painting by numbers sets for adults on various themes to let off steam in a creative way and leave the stress of everyday life behind. How about, for example, a fantasy motif or a fancy polygon art variant?

All topics at a glance:

  • Fantasy
  • Animals
  • Landscapes
  • Famous paintings
  • Cities & Buildings
  • Flowers
  • Wide Format
  • Christmas
  • Triptych
  • Quattro
  • Polyptych
  • Polygon art
  • Paint your darling

Dive into the exciting fantasy world

With a paint-by-numbers set from the category "Fantasy" you design your picture extraordinarily imaginative. For example, with the enchanting butterfly fairy, a cute gnome, fearsome dragons and mystical mermaids and many other characters from the magical world.

To our fantasy picture motifs

Discover diverse wildlife

Do you love animals? Then choose your favorite motif in this section. Here you will find deer, birds, foxes, wolves, pandas, leopards, hamsters and many other wild animals. Pets like dogs and cats, but also horses, pigs and cows as well as chickens may not be missing.

Discover image motifs with animals

Impressive landscapes

Whether impressive mountain scenery, a romantic flower meadow, the sea in all its facets or a view of Tuscany - with a paint-by-numbers set you create your dream landscape in vivid colors. Go on a trip to the Northern Lights, Greece or Africa to bring the whole world to your home.

Try out dreamlike landscape motifs

Famous paintings

You are enthusiastic about the works of famous artists, for example, Vincent van Gogh, Monet, Gustav Klimt or Miguel Freitas? Then you should try to paint the "Mona Lisa" or "The Last Supper". With one of our painting by numbers sets, it is truly a piece of cake.

Famous paintings design yourself

Great buildings and metropolises

Whether London, New York, Venice or another metropolis - get the most famous buildings or skylines to your home. Painting with numbers adults are available for numerous internationally known and architectural highlights as well as the most popular metropolises worldwide.

Discover cities & monuments

Magnificent flowers

This category is all about flowers. The motifs include, among others, a beautiful flower meadow, various flowery still lifes in a vase, but also colorful bouquets in numerous variations. There are also multi-part creations, for example, orchids and water lilies in stylish surroundings, which are very suitable for the bathroom or home sauna area.

Colorful motifs with flowers

Design exciting panoramic views

A panorama picture often captures skylines of cities, but also landscapes best, for example Manhattan at night. The extra-wide motifs belong to the sophisticated Schipper projects and are ideal as a highlight on a large wall, for example, above the couch landscape in the living room.

Panoramic motifs

Christmas motifs for a contemplative holiday

Christmas is all about spending time with the family - it should be stress-free and as contemplative as possible. The right decoration should not be missing, Christmas motifs also bring a festive mood into your home.

How about the motif "white Christmas" including Santa Claus, reindeer and sleigh with gifts? Romantic winter landscapes are also ideal for the Christmas season - either for your own home or to give away to your loved ones.

To the Christmas motifs

Creative triptychs

Triptychs consist of three individual images, which are hung next to each other to create a complete motif. Whether a unicorn in a magical forest, wild animals in Africa or an autumnal river landscape - the motifs are particularly diverse in this category. Choose one of the three-part pictures if you want to make a relatively large wall space more interesting with pictures.

All triptych motifs

Quattro - square motifs

The so-called quattro pictures are four-part picture motifs. Here you paint four equally sized individual pictures so that a complete motif is created on the wall. The themes are very diverse, from colorful cupcakes and winter birds to butterflies and fossils, there is everything possible here.

Design quattro motifs

Powerful Polyptychs

Polyptychs are ideal for depicting landscapes in a particularly impressive way. For example, the motif of the stormy sea or a natural forest environment. Polyptychs are composed of five individual pictures of different sizes. They are placed next to each other after painting, with the largest image in the center.

About the polyptychons

Design creative polygon paintings

Whether it's a deer, a fox or any other motif, polygon paintings use a very special design. Here, everything revolves around geometric shapes that make classic motifs look even more interesting and creative. The focus is on high-contrast colors for even more liveliness and expression.

All Polygon Art Motifs

Paint your darling

The "paint your darling” category offers a unique way to turn your favorite photos into personalized works of art. Whether it's a picture of a family member, a pet, or a special landscape, Schipper can convert it into a paint by numbers image. It's a great idea for creating personalized and memorable gifts while adding an artistic touch to your most cherished memories.

Paint your darling here

Painting by numbers FAQs

Do you still have questions about painting by numbers? Here you will find a few particularly frequently asked questions plus suitable answers.

What is the best way to start painting by numbers?

After selecting a suitable set for "Painting by numbers adults" you proceed as described in the instructions. Bright daylight is important for optimal implementation, support offers you a stable easel.

For the beginning, an easy motif with few fields is recommended. Fill in number by number in the order given. It is important to let the painting thoroughly dry before switching to another color. This prevents the colors from running into each other.

How long does it take to paint by numbers?

That depends on the size and difficulty of the motif when painting by numbers for adults. Numerous fields and many different shades are rather something for advanced.

Beginners better start with a light motif that contains only a few fields and shades. A motif can take several hours or, in the case of the multipart variants, several days. Take enough time so that it looks perfect in the end.

What are the benefits of painting by numbers?

Painting by numbers for adults trains the hand-eye coordination. In addition, painting has a very relaxing effect similar to meditation. Ideal, therefore, to bring body and mind back into harmony after a stressful day. In addition to the positive effect on stress reduction, you also promote your concentration with painting by numbers.

How hard is painting by numbers?

Painting by numbers is suitable for children and adults alike and is not difficult to learn. Artistic skills are not necessary - virtually anyone can become an artist and create amazingly detailed pictures. With the right brush position and the correct handling of colors and accessories, you will succeed after a short time and soon be able to paint motifs with a higher degree of difficulty.

What colors are used?

Our sets contain pre-mixed, lightfast, water-based acrylic paints that are ready to paint. These are ISO-certified, have a high opacity and a long shelf life. Protection against drying out and good resistance to heat and cold are standard.

If you run out of colors or want to further refine a picture, we offer you the Schipper color replacement service, thanks to which you can easily reorder missing colors.

How much does paint by numbers cost?

The cost of painting by numbers adults depends on the size and difficulty of the motifs. Small motifs are already available at Schipper from 21.99 euros. The large, multipart variants are up to 67.99 euros. The entry into the world of DIY artwork is therefore possible at attractive prices.

Conclusion: painting by numbers - a beautiful hobby for adults

Discover the exciting world of painting and incidentally promote your concentration and relaxation. Painting by numbers adults is a great hobby with which you can easily become an artist yourself without prior knowledge. At Schipper you do not only get many creative picture motifs including brushes and colors, but also numerous beautiful frames and other practical accessories.

Decide right now for your desired motif from our versatile theme categories and design your home with impressive DIY artwork from your own hands. Go to the category of your choice via the homepage.