Painting by Numbers Quattro

Four pictures, four times the painting fun! Click here and learn how you can create impressive 4-part pictures with Painting by Numbers quattro.


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Four Seasons - Painting by Numbers


Four Seasons - Painting by Numbers



This “Four Seasons” kit from the Meisterklasse Quattro series allows you to recreate the unique charm of each season in four different paintings, which depict the changing colours of a tree through spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each image embodies the unique atmosphere and colours of the corresponding season and forms a harmonious composition.

Four Seasons - Painting by Numbers
Spice - painting by numbers


Spice - painting by numbers



The motif: “Spice” Condiments are the elixir of life! Their seducing diversity will inspire both our nose and palatine and make our taste buds explode. The hobby artist will smell and taste the exotic flavors when elaborating these painting since he will be taken into the realm of the senses, no matter if the mystique scents of the orient or the well-known bouquet of Christmas bakery is concerned. The Picture format and painting template: “MASTERPIECE QUATTRO” is the new series of paintings by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. The 4 pictures are sized 18 x 24 cm. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts has the matching aluminum frames on offer for this format. Please go to our menu bar “Frame Service”. Contents of the box: 4 rigid painting cardboards with canvas structure finish, size 18 x 24 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. .............................. I Il soggetto: “Spezi” Le spezie sono l’elisir della vita! Con la loro seducente varietà ammaliano naso e palato facendo esplodere le papille gustative. Dipingendo i quadri il pittore per hobby avvertirà il profumo e il sapore di questi aromi esotici… come per incanto sarà infatti trasportato nel regno dei sensi, sia che si tratti di fragranze orientali avvolte di mistero sia del bouquet familiare dei dolci natalizi. La Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: “Meisterklasse QUATTRO” è la nuova serie della SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 dipinti in formato 18 x 24 cm. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l’aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto “Servizio cornici”. La confezione contiene: 4 pannelli 18 x 24 cm in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. .............................. NL Het motief: “Kruiderij” Kruiderijen zijn een levenselixer! Met hun verleidelijke veelsoortigheid brengen zij neus en verhemelte in vervoering en laten de smaakknoppen exploderen. De hobbyschilder zal de exotische aroma’s ruiken en proeven als hij deze schilderijen maakt, want hij wordt ontvoerd naar het rijk van de zinnen, of het daarbij nu om de geheimzinnige geuren van het Oosten gaat of om de knusse lucht van zelfgebakken koekjes. Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: “Meesterklasse QUATTRO” is de nieuwe serie afbeeldingen van SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 afbeeldingen in het formaat 18 x 24 cm. De schildervoorbeelden hebben een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeeldingen onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk “schilderijlijst-service”. Inhoud van de verpakking: 4 stukken stevig schilderkarton 18 x 24 cm met linnenstructuur. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

Spice - painting by numbers
In Vino Veritas - in wine there is truth - painting by numbers


In Vino Veritas - in wine there is truth - painting by numbers



The motif: “In Vino Veritas – in wine there is truth” Wine has probably existed for more than 8000 years. Nowadays, it is part of social rituals in conjunction with a festive event. The Latin saying “In Vino Veritas – in wine there is truth” has originated in the Ancient World, since the drunk tend to speak the truth in most cases. White wine, read wine, rosé wine and sparkling wines are the most popular wines composed in 4 small paintings full of atmosphere for the hobby painter who should treat himself to a glass of wine himself when painting. …  The Picture format and painting template: “MASTERPIECE QUATTRO” is the new series of paintings by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. The 4 pictures are sized 18 x 24 cm. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts has the matching aluminum frames on offer for this format. Please go to our menu bar “Frame Service”. Contents of the box: 4 rigid painting cardboards with canvas structure finish, size 18 x 24 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. ............................... I Il soggetto: “In Vino Veritas:  nel vino la verità” Si presume che il vino esista da più di 8.000 anni. Oggigiorno è parte di un rituale sociale collegato a un evento festoso. Il detto latino “in vino veritas”, nel vino la verità, è nato già nell’antichità a significare che chi alza un po’ il gomito dice solitamente il vero. Bianco, rosso, rosato e spumante sono le varietà più apprezzate che si ritrovano raccolte qui in 4 piccoli quadretti suggestivi dedicati al pittore per hobby, il quale potrà tranquillamente godersene un goccio mentre lavora... La Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: “Meisterklasse QUATTRO” è la nuova serie della SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 dipinti in formato 18 x 24 cm. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l’aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto “Servizio cornici”. La confezione contiene: 4 pannelli 18 x 24 cm in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. .............................. NL Het motief: “In Vino Veritas – In de wijn ligt de waarheid besloten” Wijn bestaat vermoedelijk al sinds ruim 8000 jaar. Terwijl wijn in vroeger tijden meestal bij religieuze handelingen wird gedronken en daarbij de gewenste extase nabijheid tot God moest scheppen, staat hij thans als onderdeel van een sociaal ritueel in verband met een feestelijke gebeurtenis. – Omdat dronkaards de waarheid spreken, ontstond al in de Oudheid de Latijnse spreuk “In Vino Veritas – In de wijn ligt de waarheid besloten”. Witte wijn, rode wijn, rosé en schuimwijn zijn de populairste soorten. Hier samengesteld in 4 kleine, sfeervolle schilderijen voor de hobbyschilder, die zich tijdens het schilderwerk best een glaasje mag gunnen .... Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: “Meesterklasse QUATTRO” is de nieuwe serie afbeeldingen van SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 afbeeldingen in het formaat 18 x 24 cm. De schildervoorbeelden hebben een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeeldingen onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk “schilderijlijst-service”. Inhoud van de verpakking: 4 stukken stevig schilderkarton 18 x 24 cm met linnenstructuur. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

In Vino Veritas - in wine there is truth - painting by numbers
Butterflies - painting by numbers


Butterflies - painting by numbers



The motif: “Butterflies” Colorful, delicate creatures so beautiful that they must be painted. There are more than 180.000 different species of butterflies. Up to 700 species are discovered every year. The largest wingspread is said to be 30 cm. SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts selected four of the most beautiful specimen for all hobby painters. The Picture format and painting template: “MASTERPIECE QUATTRO” is the new series of paintings by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. The 4 pictures are sized 18 x 24 cm. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts has the matching aluminum frames on offer for this format. Please go to our menu bar “Frame Service”. Contents of the box: 4 rigid painting cardboards with canvas structure finish, size 18 x 24 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. .............................. I Il soggetto: “Farfalle” Fragili creature dai mille colori sgargianti, stupende da dipingere! Esistono 180.000 specie diverse di farfalle e ogni anno se ne scoprono fino a 700 di nuove. Pare che la massima apertura alare possa raggiungere addirittura i 30 cm. Per tutti i pittori per hobby SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts ha selezionato quattro degli esemplari più belli. La Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: “Meisterklasse QUATTRO” è la nuova serie della SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 dipinti in formato 18 x 24 cm. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l’aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto “Servizio cornici”. La confezione contiene: 4 pannelli 18 x 24 cm in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. .............................. NL Het motief: “Vlinders” Kleurige, tere schepsels, prachtig om te schilderen. Er zijn 180.000 verschillende soorten vlinders, en elk jaar worden er wel 700 nieuwe ontdekt. De grootste vleugelspanwijdte schijnt 30 cm te bedragen. SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor alle hobbyschilders vier van de mooiste exemplaren uitgezocht. Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: “Meesterklasse QUATTRO” is de nieuwe serie afbeeldingen van SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 afbeeldingen in het formaat 18 x 24 cm. De schildervoorbeelden hebben een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeeldingen onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk “schilderijlijst-service”. Inhoud van de verpakking: 4 stukken stevig schilderkarton 18 x 24 cm met linnenstructuur. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

Butterflies - painting by numbers
Coffee break - painting by numbers


Coffee break - painting by numbers


soon available again

The motif: “Coffee break” The 4 motifs “coffee break” are decorative objects in any modern life-style design. For which type of coffee will the hobby painter decide when painting the pictures? Will it be a white coffee, a cappuccino, an espresso or a latte macchiato? The Picture format and painting template: “MASTERPIECE QUATTRO” is the new series of paintings by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. The 4 pictures are sized 18 x 24 cm. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts has the matching aluminum frames on offer for this format. Please go to our menu bar “Frame Service”. Contents of the box: 4 rigid painting cardboards with canvas structure finish, size 18 x 24 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. .............................. I Il soggetto: “Pausa caffè” I 4 quadretti “Pausa caffè” sono oggetti decorativi che si adattano alla perfezione al design abitativo moderno. Cosa deciderà di gustare il pittore per hobby mentre lavora: caffellatte, cappuccino, espresso o latte macchiato? La Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: “Meisterklasse QUATTRO” è la nuova serie della SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 dipinti in formato 18 x 24 cm. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l'aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto “Servizio cornici”. La confezione contiene: 4 pannelli 18 x 24 cm in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. .............................. NL Het motief: “Koffiepauze” De vier motieven “Koffiepauze” vormen decoratie-objecten voor modern woondesign. Welke soort zal de hobbyschilder kiezen terwijl hij de schilderijen maakt? Voor caffè latte, cappuccino, espresso of latte macchiato? Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: “Meesterklasse QUATTRO” is de nieuwe serie afbeeldingen van SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 afbeeldingen in het formaat 18 x 24 cm. De schildervoorbeelden hebben een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeeldingen onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk “schilderijlijst-service”. Inhoud van de verpakking: 4 stukken stevig schilderkarton 18 x 24 cm met linnenstructuur. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

Coffee break - painting by numbers
Culinary Herbs - painting by numbers


Culinary Herbs - painting by numbers


soon available again

The motif: “Culinary Herbs” Herbs can nearly grow everywhere and for more than a thousand years, every cook has appreciated their different shades of green, filigree leafs, different tastes and exhilarating scents. The Benedictine monks brought us many of the Mediterranean herbs, such as basil, rosemary, sage and parsley. In pots with a different design, they are not only an appetizing appeal but also a decorative series of motifs for your kitchen. The Picture format and painting template: “MASTERPIECE QUATTRO” is the new series of paintings by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. The 4 pictures are sized 18 x 24 cm. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts has the matching aluminum frames on offer for this format. Please go to our menu bar “Frame Service”. Contents of the box: 4 rigid painting cardboards with canvas structure finish, size 18 x 24 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. ............................... I Il soggetto: “Spezie da cucina” Le erbe aromatiche crescono quasi dappertutto e, da oltre un millennio, allietano ogni cuoco con le loro svariate tonalità di verde, la forma filigrana delle foglie, le sottili sfumature di gusto e il loro profumo inebriante. Sono stati i monaci benedettini a portare molte erbe mediterranee nel Centro Europa, tra queste anche il basilico, il rosmarino, la salvia e il prezzemolo. Presentati in bei vasi ornamentali questi amati aromi non solleticano soltanto l’appetito durante la pittura, bensì sono anche una simpatica serie di quadretti decorativi per la cucina. La Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: “Meisterklasse QUATTRO” è la nuova serie della SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 dipinti in formato 18 x 24 cm. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l’aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto “Servizio cornici”. La confezione contiene: 4 pannelli 18 x 24 cm in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. .............................. NL Het motief: “Keukenkruiden” Kruiden kunnen vrijwel overal groeien en zijn sinds ruim duizend jaar een vreugde voor elke kok met hun verschillende kleuren groen, de filigraan gevormde bladeren, fijne smaaknuances en verrukkelijke geuren. De Benedictijnse monniken hebben ons veel mediterrane keukenkruiden gebracht, onder meer basilicum, rozemarijn, salie en petersilie. In verschillend gevormde bloempotten zijn deze populaire keukenkruiden niet alleen een appetijtelijke schildering, maar ook een decoratieve serie afbeeldingen voor de keuken. Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: “Meesterklasse QUATTRO” is de nieuwe serie afbeeldingen van SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 afbeeldingen in het formaat 18 x 24 cm. De schildervoorbeelden hebben een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeeldingen onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk “schilderijlijst-service”. Inhoud van de verpakking: 4 stukken stevig schilderkarton 18 x 24 cm met linnenstructuur. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

Culinary Herbs - painting by numbers
Fossils - painting by numbers


Fossils - painting by numbers


soon available again

Excavating fossilised plants and animals from the earth’s early history has always been a source of great fascination for people. These four pictures from the Quattro series show particularly intriguing and beautiful specimens of these “fossil works of art”, created by nature over millions of years. Through hobby painting, these testimonies from our planet’s prehistory become attractive wall decorations. 

Fossils - painting by numbers
Sweet temptations - painting by numbers


Sweet temptations - painting by numbers


soon available again

The motif: "Sweet temptations" The sight of those sweet temptations with their fantastic decorations made from artificially draped chocolate ribbons, light and dark icings with colorful hundreds and thousands, berries and cherries that are sweet with the scent of summer will seduce both hobby painters already when they paint and viewers when they look at them. The four pictures called „Sweet temptations" with Cake Pops, Donuts, Cupcakes and Naked Cakes is a harmonious composition of a trendy bakery that should not be missing in any home. ................................................................................................... I Il soggetto: “Dolci tentazioni” Le dolci tentazioni attirano con fantastici decori fatti di nastri di cioccolato drappeggiati ad arte, glasse chiare e scure cosparse di mompariglia colorata, bacche che profumano d′estate e gustose ciliegie: un ben di dio che va venire l′acquolina in bocca non solo al pittore per hobby mentre lavora, bensì anche a chi si troverà di fronte all′opera finita. Il Quattro ″Dolci tentazioni″ con cake pop, donuts, cupcake e naked cake è un′armonica composizione di cultura pasticcera trendy che non può mancare in nessuna casa! La Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: “Meisterklasse QUATTRO” è la nuova serie della SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 dipinti in formato 18 x 24 cm. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l'aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto “Servizio cornici”. La confezione contiene: 4 pannelli 18 x 24 cm in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. ................................................................................................... NL Het motief: “ Zoete verleidingen” De zoete verleidingen zijn verlokkend met fantastische versieringen van kunstig gedrapeerde chocoladebanden, lichte en donkere glazuur met kleurige taartparels, zomers geurende bessen en smakelijke kersen, waarbij de hobbyschilder al tijdens het schilderen, maar ook de toeschouwer het water in de mond loopt. De quattro "Zoete verleidingen" met cake pops, donuts, cupcakes en naked cakes is een harmonische compositie van trendy bakcultuur, die in geen enkel huis mag ontbreken. Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: “Meesterklasse QUATTRO” is de nieuwe serie afbeeldingen van SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 afbeeldingen in het formaat 18 x 24 cm. De schildervoorbeelden hebben een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeeldingen onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk “schilderijlijst-service”. Inhoud van de verpakking: 4 stukken stevig schilderkarton 18 x 24 cm met linnenstructuur. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

Sweet temptations - painting by numbers
Winterbirds - painting by numbers


Winterbirds - painting by numbers


soon available again

The motif: “Winter birds” “Winter birds” – there is a long tradition in feeding our winter birds because then they can be watched from a close distance. When painting the pictures, the hobby painter cannot only paint a bullfinch, robin redbreast, goldfinch and a blue tit, but also study the colorful coat of our little friends. The Picture format and painting template: “MASTERPIECE QUATTRO” is the new series of paintings by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. The 4 pictures are sized 18 x 24 cm. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts has the matching aluminum frames on offer for this format. Please go to our menu bar “Frame Service”. Contents of the box: 4 rigid painting cardboards with canvas structure finish, size 18 x 24 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. .............................. I Il soggetto: “Uccelli invernali” “Uccelli invernali”: il fatto di aiutare gli uccellini a superare l’inverno dando loro da mangiare ha lunga tradizione dal momento che, in questo modo, si possono anche osservare da vicino. Oltre a dipingere il “ciuffolotto”, il “pettirosso”, il “cardellino” e le “cinciarelle”, nel realizzare i quadretti l’artista per hobby potrà altresì imparare a conoscere in dettaglio il piumaggio variopinto dei nostri piccoli amici. La Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: “Meisterklasse QUATTRO” è la nuova serie della SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 dipinti in formato 18 x 24 cm. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l’aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto “olio su tela”. Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto “Servizio cornici”. La confezione contiene: 4 pannelli 18 x 24 cm in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. .............................. NL Het motief: “Wintervogels” “Wintervogels” – het voeren van onze wintervogels kent een lange traditie, vooral ook omdat de dieren van heel dichtbij te zien zijn. Bij het schilderen kan de hobbyschilder de goudvink, het roodborstje, het puttertje en de pimpelmezen niet alleen schilderen maar ook het kleurige verenkleed van de kleine vriendjes goed leren kennen. Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: “Meesterklasse QUATTRO” is de nieuwe serie afbeeldingen van SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. 4 afbeeldingen in het formaat 18 x 24 cm. De schildervoorbeelden hebben een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeeldingen onderstreept en het gewenste “olie-op-doek-effect” ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk “schilderijlijst-service”. Inhoud van de verpakking: 4 stukken stevig schilderkarton 18 x 24 cm met linnenstructuur. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

Winterbirds - painting by numbers
9 of 9 Items

Painting by numbers quattro - 4-piece pictures paint yourself

To what extent pictures enhance a room and how they look depends sometimes on their format and placement. For example, if you want to decorate a larger wall space in a modern yet classic way, 4-part pictures are an interesting option.

Painting by numbers quattro of Schipper gives you the opportunity to create a 4-part picture yourself. You become the artist and create four paintings of the same format, which together unfold their full, impressive effect.

Quattro pictures to paint - this is how it works

With the painting-by-numbers principle, painting attractive motifs becomes child's play! So you get in three steps to your 4-part painting:

1. Buy painting by numbers product

Select a painting by numbers quattro product from Schipper and complete the purchase through our store.

2. Preparation

As soon as you receive the painting set, it's time to get started. Prepare the required materials, which are all included, and familiarize yourself with the instructions.

3. Start your painting

Then it's called: on your mark, get set, go paint! Use the outline template to find out which fields are to be painted in which color. The numbers in the individual fields each belong to a color and thus show you the way.

Painting by numbers 4-piece picture - our motifs

Whether kitchen, living room, bathroom or bedroom: A 4-piece picture from Schipper looks great anywhere. Thanks to the hand-picked selection of versatile motifs, you are guaranteed to find a polyptych that suits your taste exactly.

The motif "Kitchen Herbs" brings fresh greenery into your home, "Coffee Break" invites you to a steaming cup and "Sweet Temptations" makes your mouth water. If you want rural flair in your home, "On the farm" is your painting of choice, while "In Vino Veritas" serves up some fine wines.

Conclusion: start your painting by numbers four-piece painting now!

Painting by numbers 4-piece is suitable for hobby artists who know that four pictures also mean four times painting fun. Swing the brush and create unique works of art that beautify your home and are wonderful as an original gift.

Choose painting by numbers quattro from Schipper and enjoy numerous advantages: You work with high-quality materials, do not have to mix colors yourself and can easily reorder shades, of which you need more, via the replacement color service.

Want to get to know more painting by numbers products? Then visit our homepage and dive into the colorful Schipper theme worlds!